Hi John,

>Microsoft never seems to clearly identify whether the wide APIs should
>be given UTF-16 or UCS-2. Their guide on internationalization would seem
>to suggest that UCS-2 must be used, however, there is some reason to
>believe that perhaps UTF-16 is handled correctly as well. Couldn't find
>anything reliable one way or the other though. (Though there are plenty
>of folks taking whichever position, so at least I'm not the only one
>who's confused now.)

Don't worry: we're all confused with MS wording!  For what I understand 
having also myself tried to sort out the question, is that there is a 
line drawn: before XP unicode support included was nothing else than 
UCS-2 (W2K).  Xp and post-XP system include Unicode 5.1 and use UTF-16 
encoding.  This is from 2005:


But you're right to say that the situation isn't completely clear and 
MS being quite sneaky about this doesn't help clear the mud.  It's also 
true that MS products, including OSes, are produced by distincts teams 
each having their objectives and schedules (agendas?).  It is 
impossible to expect that there is a single date to UTF-16 
generalization within all MS products (even OSes).

So even now, full UTF-16 compliance is possibly uncertain in some part 
of some supported system.  Nonetheless XP and later should have no 
problems for the usage the OP was talking about (having ANSI data 
stored as raw bytes in an UTF-8 caddie).

OTOH, this is still mostly academic since I believe the number of 
western peecees having fonts able to display planes > 0 Unicode, _AND_ 
running applications where it makes a difference is still probably very 
low.  But it will rapidly be of central importance with the quickly 
populating upper Unicode planes (> 0), the need for more exchanges with 
Asia and also ancient document digitalization.

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