>Thanks for the link. That clarifies things a lot. So, for the OP, if you
>are targeting Win2k, it would be a good idea to use UCS-2, not UTF-16,
>with any wide API calls. XP and above should (according to Kaplan and
>Chen) support UTF-16 for API calls.

W2k is clearly something of the past.  But even if not, it would 
require you actually need to _encode_ high-plane character(s) to see 
the difference.

Since the ANSI 8-bit data is already in, the "worst" it can be is in 
the 0x80..0xFF range, which always maps inside Unicode plane-0 
regardless of ANSI codepage.  This way it can't make any difference 
whether or not the target system supports UCS-2 only or UTF-16: we are 
guaranteed that the output of the ANSI to UTF-16 conversion won't ever 
need more than a single output word per input byte.

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