+1 Jay, for explaining.
another +1 for explaining so well.
yet another +1 for explaining in such detailed.

Heck, if you had written such a long post full of nonsense, you should
have gotten +1. Since you wrote such a long post that is so useful and
helpful to probably everyone, your post should really be enshrined in
the sqlite wiki.

On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 8:32 PM, Jay A. Kreibich <j...@kreibi.ch> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 01:13:31AM -0400, mark m scratched on the wall:
>> O.K.  I think I am starting to get the idea.  It is just so foreign for me
>> to organize things this way. A master work history table for all cases
>> almost seems confusing.  It will just take a bit of adjustment for me
>> to "trust" the database way of doing things.  Text files organized in
>> the way I described has always made it easy for me to figure things
>> out when there was a problem.
>  This is not uncommon.  If I had to guess, I'd say you're an experienced
>  applications developer, but are somewhat new to databases.  You're
>  applying your instincts and experience in designing and laying out
>  runtime-data structures and classes to your database design, but find
>  yourself stumbling over some of the minor conceptual differences in
>  this new environment.
>  The good news is that this is normal, and nearly everyone makes these
>  mistakes.  The great news is that I've found much of that experience
>  can be utilized and successfully applied to database design as soon
>  as you wrap your head around a few minor differences.
>  The biggest stumbling block-- and the one you've hit head-on here--
>  is to think of tables as *instances* of compound data structures.  They
>  look a lot like arrays or dynamic lists, so this is an easy mistake.
>  In your case, you need a bunch of records associated with some other
>  table row, so the instinct is to create a brand new table to fit that
>  need.  You'll end up with a bunch of tables with the exact same
>  type-signature (column/type/name pattern), but that's how instances
>  of data structures or classes work-- this is exactly what you'd do
>  if that table was some fancy C++ class that offered a dynamic list
>  of elements.  It also provides for a clear and direct route to get
>  from a main data record to a collection of related sub-members.
>  Unfortunately, in the database world, that's the wrong concept and,
>  as others have pointed out, this will lead to no end of problems.
>  Here is the first big rule, and it alone will get you pretty far:
>                Tables are data structures and classes.
>  If you would define a data structure or class to fit some specific
>  and well defined purpose, that's a table.  The .sql file that
>  defines your tables should map to the .h file in your head.
>  Don't think of tables themselves as multi-element data structures,
>  think of them as the data structures definitions.  It just happens that
>  in the database environment, every instance of a particular data
>  structure (i.e. a row) happens to be managed by a global instance pool.
>  In extension of that, the database world has no "contains a."   All
>  your compound structures are built from "references a."  And the
>  references that bind everything together are not pointers, but ID
>  values.
>  The other big stumbling block is that most of these references are
>  "backwards".  If you were building this as an application, you'd have
>  your main records, and each one of those would have a pointer off to
>  some dynamic list or array that held the log records.  In the database
>  world, the main record simply exists with some type of unique
>  identifier.  Rather than the main record pointing to the associated log
>  records, the log records point back and the main record they're
>  associated with.
>  This tends to make application developers uncomfortable.  If you had
>  a main record and wanted a list of all the log records associated
>  with it, you'd want to be able to de-reference some pointer or other
>  association directly to some container item, like an array or list of
>  log records.  This is generally what leads to the desire to build
>  multiple tables of the same type, because tables look a lot like
>  instances of a container item.  You're thinking of those tables as
>  *instances* of multi-element data structures, rather than a global
>  collection of all sub-instances of that type.
>  That's pretty natural.  After all, it would be an odd way to build an
>  application.  While many environments have global lists of objects
>  (e.g. static class variables that hold a list of every instance of
>  that particular class), you rarely use those lists for building
>  general associations.  In specific, if you were manipulating record X
>  and wanted a list of all the associated log records for X, you would
>  never consider putting a "I belong to data X" field into the log
>  record.  This would require scanning the global list of log records
>  to get from a main record to all the associated log records.  Not
>  only is that somewhat indirect, it sounds very inefficient.
>  But this is exactly what you do in the database world.  The main
>  difference being that this is exactly the kind of thing that
>  databases are very very good at-- both in terms of optimized searches
>  for specific records in a large collection (if properly indexed) as
>  well as powerful set manipulations that allow very complex
>  manipulation of large sets of data as single operations.
>  This second point is actually more important than many people first
>  realize, and that's fine.  But as you get better with databases
>  you'll start to think in doing operations to large sets of data
>  items, rather than direct manipulation of discrete items.  That comes
>  later, however, and for now it isn't a big limitation to just ignore it.
>  So... to make the jump from application development to database design,
>  I'd first start by more or less thinking things through the same way.
>  If you have years of experience designing data models and class trees,
>  there is no good reason to throw all that experience and understanding
>  out.  Use it to lay out your block diagrams and datatypes, but with a
>  few specific changes:
>  1) Tables are your data structure definitions.  If you would organize
>  something by defining a data-structure or class, that's a table in
>  your database.
>  2) Rather than pointers, you use Foreign Key ID values to bind
>  different data structures (tables) together.
>  3) Most of the "pointers" or references are backwards.  Rather than
>  a master record holding pointers to sub-records, in a database it is
>  the sub-records that have the Foreign Keys that point back to the
>  master record.
>  That will get you pretty far.  I could come up with some more points,
>  but that would already be getting into some pretty find details.  The
>  only other thing I might add is that there are some pretty standard
>  idioms in database design, like One-to-Many and Many-to-Many
>  relationships, that are worth a quick web-search and doing some quick
>  reading about.  Their use and purpose should be fairly obvious to the
>  traditional developer, and provides more reinforcement in bridging
>  your traditional programming experience to the database world.
>  I also realize that if there are any traditional database data
>  modelers out there (that are still reading), I know you're cringing
>  pretty hard right now.  At some point, if you want to become very
>  very good at database design, you do need to uncouple your database
>  thinking from your programming language thinking.  Personally I think
>  the bigger obstacle is "thinking in sets" but there are also a number
>  of subtle things in the database design where this is true.
>  That said, most of us on this list don't need to get that far--
>  especially most of us working with SQLite.  Many of us are developers
>  that have some nagging data problem that has gotten a bit out of
>  hand, and we found this easy, fast, drop-in database to replace our
>  ugly hacks with text files and out-of-control file formats.  I know
>  there are a few people out there doing some pretty heavy-lifting
>  work-- and I'm definitely not saying the folks around here aren't
>  "real" database programmers-- but I'm guessing a fair number of us are
>  SQLite users for secondary reasons (I'd like to hear if anyone thinks
>  I'm totally off on this one).  For the majority of those people, a
>  few basic rules and a few standard design idioms is all we need to
>  address our needs and get ou with our "real" work, quite thankful
>  that SQLite is so easy to integrate and makes so many ugly data
>  management issues just disappear.  I know that's where I am.
>  Anyways... I've gone on long enough.  Good luck with your design.
>  Think a bit, ask good questions, and hopefully we can all see
>  a different point of view and learn to see something new.
>   -j
> --
> Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >
> "Our opponent is an alien starship packed with atomic bombs.  We have
>  a protractor."   "I'll go home and see if I can scrounge up a ruler
>  and a piece of string."  --from Anathem by Neal Stephenson
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