Hi Alexey

Thanks for your input. I have tried variations of your suggestions, but
there are still questions about the errors and warnings that I would
like to clarify. I am still new at this so I maybe making some errors as
well, any suggestions would be appreciated.

Concluding test today: by placing virtualtext.c in the \iconc directory
together with these files then SQLite3 compiled and produced the *.exe
and .dll. But VirtualText did not compile.

Previous tests on the weekend: This test used two subdirectories where
VirtualText compiled, and SQLite3 did not compile. The best
configuration was as you suggested to put iconv in it's own subdirectory
so for your info the Msys configuration looks like:
home\ SQLite\virtualtext.c
iconv\iconv.h, iconv.c
In configuring iconv there were path errors so I changed the compiler
commands to:
gcc -fPIC -lm -shared -I ../iconv/hdr -c ../sqlite/virtualtext.c -o
libsqlitevirtualtext.so to eliminate the errors. The changes reference
this document: HOWTO Specify the Header File Include Path for use with
MinGW Compilers | MinGW MinGW Paths

Is it right that VirtualText compiles to
C:\msys\1.0\home\iconv\libsqlitevirtualtext.so and \iconv as well?

SQLite3 does not compile the *.dll, *.exe now. What needs to be changed
so that it compiles properly? The current errors follow below.

Thanks I appreciate your effort- Gary Gabriel

PS- the MinGw mailing list discussed placement of the -l option. Could
this be an issue?

Compile Iconv, VirtualText.
$ gcc -fPIC -lm -shared -I ../iconv/hdr -c ../sqlite/virtualtext.c -o
../sqlite/virtualtext.c:1: Warnung: -fPIC f├╝r Ziel ignoriert (der
gesamte Codeist positionsunabhängig)
../sqlite/virtualtext.c: In Funktion »text_clean_text«:
../sqlite/virtualtext.c:328: Warnung: Zuweisung erzeugt Zeiger von
Ganzzahl ohne Typkonvertierung
../sqlite/virtualtext.c: In Funktion »text_parse«:
../sqlite/virtualtext.c:587: Warnung: Zuweisung erzeugt Zeiger von
Ganzzahl ohne Typkonvertierung
Compile SQLite
virtualtext.c: In Funktion »text_clean_text«:
virtualtext.c:328: Warnung: Zuweisung erzeugt Zeiger von Ganzzahl ohne
virtualtext.c: In Funktion »text_parse«:
virtualtext.c:587: Warnung: Zuweisung erzeugt Zeiger von Ganzzahl ohne
$ gcc -s -o sqlite3 *.o
virtualtext.o:virtualtext.c:(.text+0x83a): undefined reference to
virtualtext.o:virtualtext.c:(.text+0x94e): undefined reference to
virtualtext.o:virtualtext.c:(.text+0xd48): undefined reference to
virtualtext.o:virtualtext.c:(.text+0xfa5): undefined reference to
`iconvFreeUTF8Converter'collect2: ld gab 1 als Ende-Status zur├╝ck
$ gcc -shared -s -o sqlite3.dll *.o
virtualtext.o:virtualtext.c:(.text+0x83a): undefined reference to
virtualtext.o:virtualtext.c:(.text+0x94e): undefined reference to
virtualtext.o:virtualtext.c:(.text+0xd48): undefined reference to
virtualtext.o:virtualtext.c:(.text+0xfa5): undefined reference to
`iconvFreeUTF8Converter'collect2: ld gab 1 als Ende-Status zur├╝ck

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