> Okay.  That suggests something strange is happening.  Perhaps instead of
> making sure that the right 'user' has access to the database directory you
> can use the 'group' that 'nobody' is in, and give that group privilages.

I changed it to the group 'nobody', but no i have an empty result. I don't
get an error, but it doesn't show anything. I need to set chMod to 777 and
user and group 'nobody'. strange thing...

> Which set of PHP commands are you using to access the SQLite database ?

to access the database i use new SQLITEDATABASE and the query. I only read
the informations from the database.

> Can you create a new blank database which is not malformed ?

The database isn't malformed and it work right, but it seems not to work
if i use oop.

> Simon.

with besth wishes

Artur Reilin
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