Also, you mentioned that it could take some time for a flip() function 
to make its way into the OSX version assuming it had been accepted and 
put on the docket.

I can wait a good long time for SQlite to add a flip() function.  About 
eight years ago now I wrote my app, a full-text search interface for 
ancient (early medieval) texts that were produced when spelling hadn't 
been regularized yet but reflected regional dialect pronunciations, and 
so there were multiple ways (sometimes dozens of ways) to spell the same 
word.. This was a labor of love, not of profit.

The app was written in .NET against MS-Access; my Macintosh colleagues 
couldn't use it. They outnumbered the Windows users. But I didn't own a 
Mac and had never programmed on a Mac. But now Adobe Flex/AIR with 
SQLite is available, and it offers cross-platform deployment. So I've 
rewritten the app in Flex ActionScript using SQLite as the back-end. 

After some initial problems with queries not working, which turned out 
to be Adobe Flex treating INT PRIMARY KEY as if it were an INTEGER 
PRIMARY KEY, I have the app working. But there's no hurry for the flip() 
function. I still have to find out why my starts-with searches are 
taking 40 seconds when they should be taking 100ms. The Adobe Flex 
libraries for SQLite are preventing an index from being used. Same 
problem is happening with Robert Simpson's provider for .NET and also 
with Mrinal Kant's SQLite Manager.  The index is used, however, when I 
execute the query in SQLite3.exe command-line.

Tim Romano

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