> I have used following query but it takes more than one hour even after
> indexing,

Shouldn't be - query is not so hard if a proper index used. What index
did you create?

>  mysql->select a.DEPTNO, a.EMPNO, a.LASTNAME, a.FIRSTNAME, a.SAL,
>        ...
>        -> order by x.DEPTNO, x.RANK;

Interesting how you're talking about trying query in SQLite but
command line is from MySQL and even query is incorrect because there's
no table 'x' here...

> 1. How to find Rank in SQLite?

I believe your rewritten query is the best you can do here, of course
if you have good index and don't want to calculate the rank ins the

> 2. group_concat does not have order by clause, My data is already sorted,
> but would output of group_concat be unsorted?

It's undefined. If SQLite chooses to use an appropriate index so that
data is processed in sorted way then result inside group_concat will
just happen to be sorted. But if SQLite chooses to use some other
index or to not use index at all then your data will be unsorted.

> 3. How to implement find_in_set in SQLite?

I believe with the answer on the 2nd question answer to this one is
unnecessary, isn't it?


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 5:06 AM, Jigar Shah <sh...@nse.co.in> wrote:
> I have to migrate from MySQL to SQLite3.
> Following query in mysql gives the Rank for each employee within his dept
> on the basis of salary.
>  mysql-> select e.DEPTNO, e.EMPNO, e.LASTNAME, e.FIRSTNAME, e.SAL,
> find_in_set(e.SAL, x.SALLIST) RANK
>        -> from EMPLOYEES as e, (select DEPTNO, group_concat(SAL order by
>        ->                               from EMPLOYEES
>        ->                               group by DEPTNO) as x
>        -> where e.DEPTNO = x.DEPTNO
>        -> order by DEPTNO, RANK;
> I have used following query but it takes more than one hour even after
> indexing,
>  mysql->select a.DEPTNO, a.EMPNO, a.LASTNAME, a.FIRSTNAME, a.SAL,
>        ->              (select 1 + count(*)
>        ->               from EMPLOYEES b
>        ->               where b.DEPTNO = a.DEPTNO
>        ->                      and b.SAL > a.SAL) RANK
>        -> from EMPLOYEES as a
>        -> order by x.DEPTNO, x.RANK;
> My questions are
> 1. How to find Rank in SQLite?
> 2. group_concat does not have order by clause, My data is already sorted,
> but would output of group_concat be unsorted?
> 3. How to implement find_in_set in SQLite?
> Please note that my database contains more than two lakhs rows.
> Regards,
> shahj
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