I started having problems when I started using sqlite in 'memory' mode, this 
is, workin only in memory.
It was not a problem to configure this working mode, it's really easy, but 
somethings goes wrong. So, working in no memory mode works ok, but if I go to 
memory mode, doesn't work with a extrange error, I think that a bug.
1) attatch to a 'memory' database: attach database ':memory:' as memoria    (OK)
2) create the tables: (I write only the one I have problems)
       create table memoria.Dispositivos (Indice PRIMARY KEY, Tipo_Dispositivo 
INTEGER, Numero_Dispositivo INTEGER, Habilitado INTEGER, Activado INTEGER, 
Estado INTEGER, Codigo_Error INTEGER, Parametro_01_PLC INTEGER, 
Parametro_01_WCS INTEGER, Parametro_02_PLC INTEGER, Parametro_02_WCS INTEGER, 
Parametro_03_PLC INTEGER, Parametro_03_WCS INTEGER, Parametro_04_PLC INTEGER, 
Parametro_04_WCS INTEGER, Parametro_05_PLC INTEGER, Parametro_05_WCS INTEGER, 
Parametro_06_PLC INTEGER, Parametro_06_WCS INTEGER, Parametro_07_PLC INTEGER, 
Parametro_07_WCS INTEGER, Parametro_08_PLC INTEGER, Parametro_08_WCS INTEGER, 
Parametro_09_PLC INTEGER, Parametro_09_WCS INTEGER, Parametro_10_PLC INTEGER, 
Parametro_10_WCS INTEGER, Parametro_01_STRING_WCS TEXT, Parametro_02_STRING_WCS 
TEXT, Parametro_03_STRING_WCS TEXT, Parametro_04_STRING_WCS TEXT, 
Parametro_05_STRING_WCS TEXT, Parametro_06_STRING_WCS TEXT, 
Parametro_07_STRING_WCS TEXT, Parametro_08_STRING_WCS TEXT, 
Parametro_09_STRING_WCS TEXT, Parametro_10_STRING_WCS TEXT)
(the creation is OK)
3) create an index over this table:
     create index memoria.Dispositivos_TipoDispositivo on memoria.Dispositivos 
I get this error: near ".": syntax error
But, if I remove the step 1 (prepare the memory database, and erase the 
'memoria.' in the next creation sentences, the creation of the index is OK, so 
I think is some kind of error in the sintax parsing or something like that.
Hope this is helpfull.
   David Alcelay
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