> I am very surprise that your SQLite operation can take so
> long. Is it a very complicated search? Multiple writes? 

it is a 'SELECT docid FROM fulltext WHERE Content MATCH' on a table with 
~130000 rows. The database (with only the fulltext tables is ~110MB)

>> I have a text field that launches a full text search query at every key 
>> press.
> Can you rearrange your algorithm? How many records do you
> search?

Since I search as soon as two characters are input, some queries can 
potentially return nearly all the rows (that's why I'd like to be able to 
interrupt them as soon as new keystrokes come in) 

>  Do you use proper index keys?

I don't think that's applicable for this kind of query on a FTS3 table.

> Do you have to search on every key press?

I guess I will just have to fall back to decreasing the interactivity with the 
user and only send the query when the search button is pressed...

Thanks for your help

Best regards,


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