If the implementation of SQLite you are using overrides the LIKE operator
(as more than a few do), then SQLite will not make use of an index on the
column in question. Use the GLOB operator instead.

For example, I have a lexicon containing 263,000 words:

select count(*) from lexicon where spelling like 'a%'   // 552 ms on first
run and then 355ms on second and subsequent runs
select count(*) from lexicon where spelling glob 'a*'  // 110 ms on first
run and then ~10ms on second and subsequent runs


select substr(spelling,1,1), count (*) from  lexicon
group by substr(spelling,1,1)
order by  substr(spelling,1,1)

// ~3500 ms on first run and then ~2400 ms on second and subsequent runs

Of course, if your lexicon is static, you could create an ancillary table of
first letters and their corresponding counts.

Tim Romano

2010/4/25 Alberto Simões <hashas...@gmail.com>

> Hello
> I am running on the fly a query to count the number of words starting
> with one of the 26 letters.
> I am doing the usual SELECT COUNT(term) from dictionary WHERE normword
> LIKE "a%"  (for the 26 letters)
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