
KR> What’s the simplest way to encrypt only certain rows in an sqlite DB? 
KR> If there is no way to do this (for storing passwords etc), I would 
KR> like to know the best way to encrypt the whole sqlite DB. (Prefer only 
KR> encrypting some rows, but if this introduces complexity, I’m willing 
KR> to encrypt the whole database)

There is an encryption extension which costs money, from the same people 
that brought you SQLite.

Or, assuming you mean you want to encrypt certain columns, you could do 
this from your application (C, PHP or whatever). If you have the clear 
text password as input, you can put it through an encryption function, and 
then use that as a parameter for a query, rather than the clear text. Or 
you could create a user defined function to call your encryption function, 
and then use this function in your SQL statements.

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