>> [...] does
>> db last_insert_rowid
>> reliably return the_key of the most recently inserted database row,
>> so that the returned value may safely (across vacuums etc) be used
>> as a foreign reference to t's the_key column?
> Yes.

Actually there *is* a caveat, which is that if the insert does not actually 
complete -- for example, you have a trigger on insert that could raise an 
'ignore' -- then the last_insert_rowid will still return the rowid of the 
last row that was actually inserted (as you would expect), but then if you 
blindly use this in a foreign key constraint without checking whether the 
row you wanted *was* inserted, you may find you reference the wrong row...

SQLite version
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> create table tab(i);
sqlite> create trigger trig before insert on tab when new.i=5 begin
   ...>   select raise(ignore);
   ...> end;
sqlite> insert into tab values(10);
sqlite> select last_insert_rowid();
sqlite> insert into tab values(20);
sqlite> select last_insert_rowid();
sqlite> insert into tab values(5);
sqlite> select last_insert_rowid();

Just a word of caution, although it may not apply to your situation...  ;o)

However, there are work-arounds to the above 'caveat'.


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