Jay A.  Kreibich wrote: 

> Try getting rid of the PK definition and see how much that buys you.  
> It might be worth it, or it might not.  

and Simon Slavin wrote: 

> We know you are doing a huge amount of writing to this database.  Are 
> you also reading it frequently ?  If not, then it might be worth making an 
> index on that primary key only when you're about to need it.  

I think the use case will usually be (only) writes followed by (only) 
reads.  There may be incremental writes later, but they will hopefully 
be small compared to the initial seed.  I intend to create a set of 
maybe 7 indices to serve the particular queries I think the user intends 
to run.  Let's all hope we can update the db with those indices at a 
higher rate than the user can generate data.  :p 

I tried removing the PK definition as you both suggested, and the 
journal stays fixed at less than 20Kb, even against a db size of (at 
the moment) 37Gb.  My insert batch run times are improved by a factor of 
~2.5 and seem to be O(1).  

So, bingo.  :) 

Insert rates are still a rather crappy 10k records/second (when we were 
in RAM we were doing ~65k recs/sec, which I think was bound by my app's 
speed).  I think I'm at the stupid raid5's limit -- not really sure what 
I should expect there, or how to find out what I should expect.  

Anyway, I'll build the indices after the seed.  I'll go out on a limb 
and assume that'll be a lot faster than it would've been under my 
initial approach.  

You guys were incredibly helpful -- thanks very much!  


Eric A. Smith

Carperpetuation (kar' pur pet u a shun), n.:
    The act, when vacuuming, of running over a string at least a
    dozen times, reaching over and picking it up, examining it, then
    putting it back down to give the vacuum one more chance.
        -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"
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