Darren Duncan <dar...@...> writes:


> Try making all of your column definitions NOT NULL and see if that makes any 
> difference.  That is, see if this works:
>   CREATE TABLE wasdoesntwork(
>     someint       INTEGER NOT NULL,
>     sometext      TEXT NOT NULL,
>     UNIQUE(someint)
>   );

doesn't change anything

> Also, can you simplify your examples further?  If you take away the sometext 
> columns from both examples, do you get the same failure or success?

doesn't change anything

> What if you 
> take away the id column and only have the someint?  (I don't recall if you
> said the UNIQUE only didn't work if the primary key was used.)

that changes evrytghing - I can delete as well as edit the record

> Separately, as was reported in another reply, this issue is something you
> should report as a bug to the OpenOffice people, since I think you said an
> alternate connection method, MS Access worked fine?

I will do that.

thx for your helpful assistence. Talking to other people sometimes clears the
own mind ;-)


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