Hello Everyone,
I have created and loaded a small amount of data into a database via
the SQLite3 command line tool.
I am developing in Eclipse and using the emulator to test with. I do
not have an Android phone.

I would like to know what the accepted practice is for where to put
the database in my Eclipse Android project folder structure, and how
to access it in my java code.

Is it possible to do this or do I have to open the db file as a
regular file and copy it to a new file I create via my code and then
open that new file as a SQLite db?

I am very unclear about this as I am beginning to understand that the
db becomes part of the application itself and I have never worked in a
model like that.

It would also be good to know how to test for the existence of the
database file before trying to open it as it is my understanding that
a new db will be created if the open method does not find an existing

Thank You in advance to anyone who would like to reply.

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