The signature of the VFS has changed slightly - the xShmOpen() method  
has been removed.  Implementations are now expected to automatically  
create the shared memory on the first call to xShmMap().  And the  
xShmClose() method has been renamed to xShmUnmap().  A new snapshot  
with these changes is now available in the usual place:

The target release date for version 3.7.0 has slipped until 2010-07-22  
(a slip of one week).  We were going to try to revise WAL so that it  
worked as a read-only database if write permission to key files was  
not available.  But that was going to turn out to be a big, error- 
prone mess, and so we decided to back off and simply make it a  
limitation of WAL that a database could not be read or written in WAL  
mode if write permissions were lacking.  Additional explanation at

The documentation has also been enhanced (in a subsection immediately  
following the section on read-only databases linked above) to explain  
our decision to implement shared-memory using a mmapped file in the  
same directory as the original database.  Comments and criticism of  
this decision are encouraged.

Please evaluate the snapshot and provide feedback on this mailing  
list.  The 2010-07-22 release date target assumes no more major  
problems.  But we would rather encounter (and fix) a major problem  
before the release rather than afterwards.  We will slip the release  
again if necessary.  Your beta testing is *very* important.  Thanks!

D. Richard Hipp

sqlite-users mailing list

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