On 26/08/10 13:38, Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 26 Aug 2010, at 12:12pm, Alan Chandler wrote:
>> This time it reported that the view it would have created failed because
>> the table (view) already existed.
> I'm sorry to ask this, but can you check for us whether a VIEW by that name 
> really does exist ?  Don't forget, VIEWs get saved in the file, they're not 
> part of the attachment.

Yes it does - this VIEW outputs the transactions in the default currency 
(rather than the currency of the transaction) and the whole objective of 
my this particular php script is to update this view when the default 
currency changes.

a...@kanga:~/dev/money/db[master]$ sqlite3 money.db
SQLite version 3.7.0
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .schema dfxaction
CREATE VIEW dfxaction AS
     SELECT t.id,t.date,t.version, src, srccode, dst, 
dstcode,t.description, rno, repeat,
             WHEN t.currency = 'GBP' THEN t.amount
             WHEN t.srcamount IS NOT NULL AND sa.currency = 'GBP' THEN 
             WHEN t.dstamount IS NOT NULL AND da .currency = 'GBP' THEN 
             ELSE CAST ((CAST (t.amount AS REAL) / currency.rate) AS 
         END AS dfamount
         xaction AS t
         LEFT JOIN account AS sa ON t.src = sa.name
         LEFT JOIN account AS da ON t.dst = da.name
         LEFT JOIN currency ON
             t.currency != 'GBP' AND
             (t.srcamount IS NULL OR sa.currency != 'GBP') AND
             (t.dstamount IS NULL OR da.currency != 'GBP') AND
             t.currency = currency.name;

Alan Chandler

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