It is ok even if use local time, because using UTC will let thing getting

--- "Ted Rolle Jr." <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> And in addition, the TZ offset might be handy to convert to UTC. 
> Local
> time is locally determined while UTC is constant, and other local
> offsets can be applied to display time in local terms.
> For example, EST is UTC-5; EDT is UTC-4; PST is UTC-8; PDT is UTC-7;
> During WWII there was a ``War Time''.  Some countries have a
> half-hour
> offset in addition to the hour offset, so 2010-09-03T09:10:12+4:30 is
> a
> valid time.  It's _all_ politics; this makes it subject to the whim
> of
> each government.  So, in addition to the half-hour offsets, time-zone
> offsets may change.  Also, the determination of Daylight Savings time
> varies by country and can correspondingly change.  UTC is best. 
> That's
> the reason Unix uses seconds since 1970.  I don't know what they do
> for
> dates before that; if the time can have a negative offset (proleptic)
> then all is well.
> Hmmm...Ask me the time; I'll give you my watch. :-)
> Ted

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