Thanks for the suggestion, Tom, your post was very educational. At
least in my case, you're on the spot, I knew about views but I didn't
use them in my project so far, although a short analysis tells me that
they would be extremely useful for it - for example I should create one
called "files" for tables "filenames" (unique path names) and
"fcontents" (unique checksum) in a left outer join by the content
index (int64). Guess what I'm doing next :).

Anyway, I see the great advantage and also how easily forms can be
created with such views.


On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 17:45:53 +1100
BareFeetWare <> wrote:

> You don't need to create special tables for data entry. You can
> create views instead, coupled with "instead of" triggers.
> This is one of the most undersold features of SQL and SQLite in
> general, I think.
> When you design a database, you should properly structure and
> normalize it so that, for instance, there is no redundancy in data
> entry, a column that has an occasional entry is moved to its own
> table (rather than populating the main table with nulls), a multiple
> choice column contains an integer that links to a related table of
> values and so on. Dates should probably be entered as a julian day
> real (rather than text) and money should probably be entered as an
> integer (in cents) rather than a real, to avoid float calculation
> errors.
> All that works well from a data integrity point of view. It's tight,
> uses minimal space and avoids redundancy and inaccuracies. But if you
> give such a properly normalized database in its raw form to a use for
> data entry (or even to browse data), it's horrible. They could go
> crazy trying to cross reference tables, mentally convert dates and
> money, switch to a separate table for occasional column info etc.
> The answer is to create a view. This is pretty common place. In a
> view, you can join tables, show just some rows, show calculated
> totals, convert date reals to human readable text, integer amounts to
> currency etc.
> But what few database designers seem to exploit is the fact that
> views can also be used to accept user input and convert that into
> meaningful entry into the underlying related tables. And, to answer
> the original poster's query, a view can

Mihai Militaru <>
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