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On Nov 3, 2010, at 10:51 AM, Jay A. Kreibich wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 03, 2010 at 05:10:22PM +0300, Alexey Pechnikov scratched  
> on the wall:
>> 2010/11/3 Jay A. Kreibich <>
>>> Why not just use an off-the-self hash cache, like memcached, or an
>>> off-the-self hash database, like Redis?  Redis even supports an
>>> Append-Only write mode (e.g. WAL-ish journal mode).
>> How about power fail or OS crash? As I know, Redis does not  
>> garantees the
>> data safety.
>  This is getting a bit off topic, but quickly...
>  No, by default Redis does not provide the level of protection a
>  default file-backed SQLite database provides.  Redis's append-only
>  mode does a pretty good job, however.  Redis will update journal
>  with each command, and a sync is performed every second.  In theory,
>  in the case of a power or OS crash, maximum data loss is right around
>  one second worth of transactions.  Application crash will not result
>  in data loss, since the OS still has valid file buffers that will
>  eventually be flushed.  You can also configure things so that the
>  journal syncs after each command, providing similar protection to
>  SQLite.  That is, as you might expect, somewhat slow, however.
>> And I think SQLite in-memory database is faster.
>  Without testing, I'd guess Redis is faster for basic read/write
>  operations.  Redis is also a proper server and allows multiple client
>  connections, even for a fully memory based data set.
>  By default Redis will hold all data in RAM, and is highly optimized
>  for one-- and only one-- basic operation, while SQLite is supporting
>  a much richer and more expressive data processing environment.
>  Each tool has its place, and they're not really trying to solve
>  the same problem.
>  The whole reason I'm looking to merge the two has to do with SQLite's
>  expressive environment.  In designing a very high-performance app,
>  the highly-optimized common-case queries can talk to Redis directly.
>  This is fast, but requires jumping through a lot of hoops in the
>  application code.  Conversely, the less frequent queries (including
>  many of the management tasks) can talk to SQLite, which can then talk
>  to Redis.  Use of the SQL language makes development MUCH faster for
>  those operations that are not as performance-critical.
>   -j
> -- 
> Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >
> "Intelligence is like underwear: it is important that you have it,
> but showing it to the wrong people has the tendency to make them
> feel uncomfortable." -- Angela Johnson
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