On 10/11/2010, at 7:19 PM, Michele Pradella wrote:

> In-Reply-To:  <4cda28ea.5030...@gmail.com>

Firstly, please start a post to this mail list as a new message, not a reply to 
a previous unrelated message. That's known as "thread hijacking" and confuses 

> Hi all, I have to INSERT a row in a DB but I have first to check if the Key 
> I'm inserting already exist.

Good question.

> Now I'm doing a "SELECT count..." first to check if the key exist and then 
> INSERT or UPDATE records.

I can see two problems with this approach:

1. It sounds like you're executing an SQL select, then dropping out of SQL to 
perform a logic test on the result, then executing a new SQL statement 
depending on the logic result. It's more efficient and reliable to do it all in 

2. Using "select count" will test the entire table, even if the key exists in 
the first row it tests. You should use "in" or "exists" instead of "count". The 
hit is reduced if the column is indexed, but it's still poor SQL.

> Do you know  if there's a better or faster way to do that?

You could:

begin immediate
update MyTable set Detail = newDetail where ID = newID
insert into MyTable(ID, Detail) select newID, newDetail where newID not in 
(select ID from MyTable)

It may be faster to change the insert line to:

insert into MyTable(ID, Detail) select newID, newDetail where changes() > 0 and 
newID not in (select ID from MyTable)

but I don't know, since I haven't really played with changes().

Alternatively, you could use "insert or ignore" or "insert or replace" 
depending on what you want to do if the key exists. Note that "insert or 
replace" will actually delete the old row and insert a new one, something that 
can make a mess if, for instance, you wanted to keep the value of other columns 
or you have internal database logic that is initiated by deletes and inserts, 
so I tend to avoid it.


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