On 01/25/2011 12:20 PM, Roger Binns wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 01/24/2011 06:05 PM, Roger Binns wrote:
>> I'm finding custom VFS code is no longer working at all.
> The cause is a new xFileControl operation SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC which appears to
> needlessly duplicate the existing xSync method.
> Additionally unlike other file controls it returns results via a parameter
> passed in instead of via the return code of the xFileControl method itself.
> And even more amusingly none of the existing SQLite provided VFS code
> implement it anyway!
> Hopefully it can just be removed.
> If not I am going to have to build a table in my code for various file
> control operations of when it is normal to have errors, which ones return
> errors via the normal error code mechanism and which do it by passing in
> pointers to where it should be written etc.

Does the aspw xFileControl method modify the value of the output
parameter in this case?

The idea was that existing VFS implementations would return SQLITE_ERROR
since they do not recognize SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC but not modify the value
of the integer that the parameter points to. Maybe that is too
optimistic an assumption.

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