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>     A far better solution ... would be to bump
>     the VFS version number to 3

That is the only solution that will not break any existing code from anyone.
 ie you have to use VFS 3 to opt in to getting SYNC_OMITTED (probably best
delivered to xSync but xFileControl works too).  I strongly believe this is
the way you should go - new behaviour bumps version numbers while keeping
compatibility for existing code.  Perhaps a little tricky if you want to do
this in the next few days though ...

> Suppose we rig the default VFSes so that they return SQLITE_OK for
> SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC_OMITTED, instead of SQLITE_ERROR, so that your
> intermediate layer doesn't throw an exception? 

That would keep the vast majority of existing deployed code happy.

> Another solution we talked about was having the xFileControl method in the
> VFS object return SQLITE_NOTFOUND instead of SQLITE_ERROR if it gets an
> unknown opcode.  That too would solve your problem, wouldn't it?  Would it
> break anything else?

That wouldn't help deployed code since everything other than SQLITE_OK turns
into exceptions.  For my next release I will make it adapt to whatever you

A problem with file control is that you can't tell the difference between
the following:

1 - A bad database name
2 - op not understood
3 - op understood and had an error being executed

Having NOTFOUND is a solution going forward as I can then distinguish
between the last two cases.  The third needs to be turned into an Exception
while NOTFOUND can be appropriately handled.

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