On 08/02/2011, at 10:19 AM, Yuzem wrote:

> I have the tables "movies" and "people"
> Those two tables are related by tables "directors", "writers", etc...
> movies: id, title
> people: id, name
> directors: movieId, peopleId
> writers: movieId, peopleId
> etc...
> How can I normalize that so I can count directors and writers using
> count(*)?
> Should I create another table for "directors" and another for "writers",
> etc... with only the ids?
> I will end up having:
> movies > movies_directors < (directors people)

After implementing the schema in my previous post, add this:

begin immediate;
create table People
(       ID integer primary key not null
,       Name text collate no case not null unique
create table Capacity
(       ID integer primary key not null
,       Name text collate no case not null unique
create table "Movie People"
(       ID integer primary key not null
,       Movie_ID integer not null references Movies (Movie_ID) on delete cascade
,       Capacity_ID integer not null references Capacity (ID) on delete cascade
,       People_ID integer not null references People (ID) on delete cascade
,       unique (Movie_ID, Capacity_ID, People_ID)

Then you can count the directors like this:

select count(distinct People_ID) from "Movie People" join Capacity on "Movie 
People".Capacity_ID = Capacity.ID where Capacity.Name = 'director';


select count(distinct People_ID) from "Movie People" where Capacity_ID = 
(select ID from Capacity where Name = 'director');

or you can create a view to alphabetically list each director with a CSV list 
of their movies, like this:

create view "Directors"
select People.Name, group_concat (Movies.Title, ', ')
from "Movie People"
        join Movies on "Movie People".Movie_ID = Movies.Movie_ID
        join Capacity on "Movie People".Capacity_ID = Capacity.ID
        join People on "Movie People".People_ID = People.ID
where Capacity.Name = 'director';
group by People_ID
order by People.Name


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