On 14 Feb 2011, at 8:50pm, Black, Michael (IS) wrote:

> And if you want to talk about data reliability...BACK UP YOUR DATA.

And keep the backups off-site.  And once a year try to actually restore one of 
them.  I've earned /lots/ of money from companies with backup systems that 
claimed to work fine but were either faulty, or being used to backup to media 
with low-level corruption.

If there was any money in it I'd write a book, but there isn't.  Companies 
prefer to do it wrong and then hire a consultant after it fails.

On 14 Feb 2011, at 9:13pm, Jim Wilcoxson wrote:

> I think what would be useful is for drives to have 3 settings:
> a) the drive can do whatever it wants to optimize performance
> b) the drive can reorder writes, but not across a sync (ACI, but no D)
> c) the drive has to respect all syncs (ACID)
> If the drive mgfr wants to make a) the default, that's fine, but there
> should be an easy way to request the other 2 from an application.
> Users are not usually sophisticated enough to know when it's okay to
> cache writes or not okay.  For my use of SQLite, b) would probably be
> fine, but a) apparently is not since it corrupts databases.

This is a job for someone who wants to contact lots of manufacturers and ask if 
they provide models of their drives which conform.  Some do, because they want 
to sell their drives for use in servers.  Often these drives are physically 
identical to their mass-market drives, but they have fewer bad blocks, and have 
jumpers in a different place or different firmware.

> Michael mentioned doing backups and forgetting about all of this, but
> many people are using USB drives to store their backups.  So there is
> a bit of a Catch-22 here.  Almost all modern-day filesystems are going
> to depend on some kind of journalling to prevent corrupted file
> systems, and as far I as know, journalling filesystems depend on syncs
> to maintain FS consistency.

If the data is backed up when SQLite has the files closed, things are fine.  
The really hard part of this comes when you're working with systems that must 
be live at all times.  Which is why you'll never see a bank use SQLite to 
maintain its live transaction system.  The big DBMSs have systems inside 
themselves that allow the backing-up of an active ever-changing database.

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