On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 6:04 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> If the data is backed up when SQLite has the files closed, things are fine.  
> The really hard part of this comes when you're working with systems that must 
> be live at all times.  Which is why you'll never see a bank use SQLite to 
> maintain its live transaction system.  The big DBMSs have systems inside 
> themselves that allow the backing-up of an active ever-changing database.
> Simon.

SQLite is used as the DB engine on some major 24/7 data stores (I
can't be more specific due to NDAs).   You can get an idea of some of
the high demand areas SQLite is used in by reviewing the consortium
membership list (http://www.sqlite.org) and well-known users list
(http://www.sqlite.org/famous.html), though this should not be seen as
an endorsement by any of the listed companies.
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