I'm getting a little closer to pointing the finger
at sqlite.  I rebuilt my application using an archived
binary from march 2009, and it works in the cases where
a modern binary fails.

It appears that some change in sqlite locking strategy between
2009 and now is not completely compatible with osx 10.4.11

At 01:46 PM 3/2/2011, Dave Dyer wrote:

>The configuration I'm interested in has:
> Database resident on a windows 7 file system
> sqlite binary based on sqlite 3.7.3
> If the host is OSX 10.6, it works. 
> If the host is OSX 10.4, it fails.
>I swear it used to work in 10.4 too, but lacking a time
>machine, it's hard to prove.  I'm certain it worked a year ago with
>the then-current version of OSX 10.4 and sqlite 3.6.11
>using a debugger, I traced the source of the problem to afpSetLock, which
>is called with identical context on both OSX 10.4 and 10.6, but fails
>in 10.4.      It seems odd that afpSetLock should be used for this
>remotely mounted file system, but it is the same for both the successful
>and unsuccessful cases.
>I've built a version with SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE=0, which eliminates
>afpSetLock, and in that case it fails in "unixLock" on both operating
>Note also that the same binary and an identical database work fine
>if the database is on a local file system.
>Is there any change in sqlite locking strategy that can explain this? Or
>alternatively, am I just being screwed by some Apple bug.  I'm sure that
>Apple has been messing with the remote file system support.
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