On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> On 6 May 2011, at 10:14pm, Nico Williams wrote:
>> Here's what I need:
>> - at transaction time I need a way to record somewhere that the
>> transaction did start.  This would mostly be an insert into a table
>> with an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT column, and a time of
>> transaction start.  I can do without this by simply doing an insert
>> into that table if the relevant row didn't already exist.
> You can do an 'INSERT OR IGNORE'.

And INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... WHERE <sub-query to check whether the
row doesn't already exist>.  I know this -- it's what I mean above :)

>> - at transaction commit time I need to be able to RAISE() exceptions
>> if the concluding transaction does not meet certain requirements.
>> I.e., SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'Error: user did not x, y, or z') WHERE
>> <various sub-queries>.  I have no way to detect end of transaction
>> time, so I can't really do without this :(
>> I'd also like to be able to do inserts/updates/deletes at transaction
>> commit time, as if the application's COMMIT has been a savepoint, but
>> I could live without this capability.
> You may be subverting the way SQL works.  The alternative kind of trigger to 
> ROW is not TRANSACTION, it's STATEMENT.  One can use several statements in a 

Well, D.R. Hipp at least at one point disagreed with you, since he
himself proposed something like this:


Moreover, other SQL RDBMes support transaction triggers.  See, for example:


Finally, arguably triggers alone violate the SQL concept of a
declarative language.  I've shown here before how one can do quite a
bit of procedural programming using triggers in SQLite3.  So if it's
SQL purity you want, well, it's too late already :)  I grant you that
one might not want to further depart from the pure than one already
has, but that's a different argument than "you're leaving the pure

> I suspect your easiest way forward would be to implement that code inside 
> your application: instead of calling "BEGIN" and "COMMIT" make your own 
> routines for those two things.  Another way would be to take apart SQLite and 
> rewrite some of the code in ways that suit this one particular application.

One of the very nice things about SQLite3 is the availability of the
shell, and the fact that anyone can download SQLite3 and link it into
any application.

In the particular application I'm building I'd like to be able to
encode as much as possible of the business logic into the schema so
that I don't have to forbid direct access to the DB by any programs
other than those I write.  The reason for this is that I very much
foresee third parties wanting to write their own tools to manipulate
my application's database.  Moreover, I don't want to write all those
tools, as that's not what I'm getting paid to do -- enabling third
parties here is of great utility to me.  I believe that would be a
great feature for my application to have.  All I need is a way to run
some SELECT statements at COMMIT time, with those SELECTs possibly
RAISE()ing exceptions.  I could use more functionality too, but that's
the bare minimum I need.

I can detect transaction start, but not transaction end.  I need to
detect transaction end...

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