I've researched firing of these triggers somewhat.  Upshot: firing
anything other than a transaction commit trigger is tricky.

The semantics of transaction triggers are interesting.  Presumably
such triggers should execute in the same transaction as the one they
are related to -- but this would mean that rollback triggers can't
have any side-effects in the database, which begs the question as to
what their utility might be.  Upshot: I'm going to ignore rollback
triggers for now.  And what happens if a rollback occurs after or
while running commit triggers?  IMO: forget about rollback triggers,
and if a commit trigger's work is undone in a rollback, that's fine.

The semantics of database connect triggers should be simple, but they
aren't: what if the trigger can't execute because of SQLITE_BUSY?
Tricky.  Loop?  On the other hand, if these triggers only execute when
the first write transaction on that db handle begins, then that issue
goes away.  That seems much better.

The semantics of database disconnect triggers is also tricky, mostly
because of how sqlite3_close() works (it can fail with SQLITE_BUSY
part-way through). Scenario 1: a disconnect trigger fires but the db
connection stays alive, in which case we may have to re-fire the
connect trigger again later.  Scenario 2: part of the connection may
be torn down when the disconnect triggers fire (e.g., virtual tables,
which may mean having to re-initialize their state, which means that
vtabs could see spurious connects and disconnects).

Transaction start triggers are tricky because the act of firing them
causes a write transaction to be started, so we can't fire them in a
"BEGIN DEFERRED", but then we need to defer firing the trigger, which
means we need to track whether it has fired, and this needs to be done
such that we can decide whether to code the transaction start trigger
while parsing.

Transaction rollback triggers are even trickier because they can be
completely async.  Coding one one of these such that it gets executed
when the transaction is rolled back and not otherwise is tricky (and
then one has to worry about the trigger itself doing a rollback).  I'd
be tempted to re-enter the VM with sqlite3_prepare/step/finalize in
order to fire this trigger, but I worry that that may break various
assumptions.  And then there's the question: should a rollback trigger
fire inside the transaction that's rolling back?  If so the only side
effects that such a trigger could have would be to invoke user-defined
functions with external side-effects.  If not...  Ah, maybe I could
code these trigger firings as alternatives to OP_Halt, terminated by
OP_Halt, and with their own OP_Transaction so they can execute in
their own transaction.

Upshot: I'm going to focus on transaction commit for now, then
transaction start, and I may stop there.

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