At 14:19 29/07/2011, Black, Michael (IS) wrote:
>What they don't say explicitly is that if all you need is key/value 
>capability then an SQL database is overkill and only slows you down 
>(bit of a duh factor there though not obvious to 
>neophytes).  Generally speaking that's one thing they don't teach in 
>college is optimization.  I can't count the # of projects I've 
>worked on where what was implemented was so slow as to be useless by 
>the time it was done only to have to redesign the thing for 
>speed.  The one I'm working now I've sped up by 100X.

A <key,value> data storage can work with O(1)  algorithms while 
B-Tree indexes are O(nlogn). It can't do everything you can do with a 
B-Tree but it does what you need.

>The bad part is you'd better really know that all you need is 
>key/value otherwise you have to re-do things and kill your 
>performance which then could mean rearchitecting your solution.
>I know my boss is always changing requirements on our IR&D programs...:-)

Jejejeje, a boss is always O(n^2) or worse in time implementation :) 

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