On Aug 4, 2011, at 1:54 AM, Eduardo Morras wrote:
> They block each other not trying to get a lock, but trying to get 
> access to disk and cache. Disk access time and cache is shared 
> between all threads and if all threads needs access to different 
> parts of the db they will figth like barbarians, you should convert 
> them to roman cohorts instead. You can make your page cache size 
> bigger using pragmas, check maillist and documentation.

Using a 10x larger temp cache and default cache at compile time increases my 
runtime of that section from 166 to 167. I'm using two threads still.

> You don't need to update your table, you can use a temp memory table 
> for that with candidates. First select candidates where 57<col0min, 
> then you delete candidates from temp table where col0min<62 and so 
> on. You don't need to copy the original table schema for temp table, 
> use pk only. The select of the first candidates is important, use the 
> one that minimizes the number of initial data.

I was hoping that SQLite was doing that with the JOIN statement. It's narrowing 
down the results with the query from the R*table (col*min & col*max). A large 
query will have ~14k rows at this point. Then JOINs with the original table 
(data) and it's narrowing results further with the remaining part of the WHERE 
(col*). The large query will have ~11k rows. After this it groups by the 
'class' column in 'data' and counts how many rows per class.

I'm really skeptical that I can chop this up into many queries to make it run 
faster. I've always assumed that if I can get "final" data back from a query, 
then it's exactly the query I'm looking for. I would think that running three 
queries would use three times the resources.
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