To Answer several questions at once.

Just checking: by 'queries' you mean 'SELECT', right ?  You're not making
changes, just searching

Yes to optimize we average about 5-6 indexes per table.

D. Richard Hipp,
Open a separate database connection for each thread.  Don't try to use the
same database connection on all threads because access to the database
connection is serialized.

I'll look into this. Thank you

Why multiple threads? What kind of performance do you get if you only
use a single thread?

Is it one thread per database perhaps?

This program is ran on massive servers and the people that use it are
talking of running 100's of millions of records through and we're trying to
let them scale so that they can benefit from the new servers. We seem to
have peeked out single thread performance at aprox. 2-10 million

Thank you once again in advance,
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