Hi All,

I am running program in which I have created SQLite DB file using:


Then created one table into SQLiteDB by using sqlite3_exec() in which
I passed SQL command of creating table.

Then I inserted records into table using INSERT sql command in sqlite3_exec()

Then I did sqlite3async_run()  to commit all write request from
pending queue to SQLite DB file on disk.

Then I did deletion of records from table using DELETE sql query in

Then I ran VACUUM command this way:

sql = "VACUUM;";
rc = sqlite3_exec(asyncsql.pdb, sql, NULL, 0, &zErrMsg);

After successful running of above command I checked size of my
SQLiteDB file using system ("ls -lrt");

NOTE: No compilations issue. async IO code file and sqlite shared
library linked properly. All sqlite3_exec() ran successfully with
SQLITE_OK, no error code returned.

Given below is output shown:

[tarun@emu async_prg]$ ./sqlite_async_compKey vacum1.db 1000

1313661267 1313661269 1313661316
system1    -> Size of file after records insertion
-rw-r--r--. 1 tarun tarun 559104 Aug 18 15:25 vacum1.db

system2  -> Size of file after records deletion
-rw-r--r--. 1 tarun tarun 559104 Aug 18 15:25 vacum1.db

system3   -> Size of file after VACUUM command
-rw-r--r--. 1 tarun tarun 559104 Aug 18 15:25 vacum1.db

My problem is why SQLiteDB file size is not reduced after VACUUM has
been run.  Please help to get VACUUM running in my case.
It would be really helpful if anyone can share working demo program
using VACUUM.
Waiting for your response, I am stuck in my work.
Thanks and Regards,
- Tarun Thakur
Module Lead
NEC HCL System Technologies, Noida
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