On 24 Aug 2011, at 3:07pm, Richard Hipp wrote:

> You've run up against limitations of AFP.  Or, more precisely, you've run up
> against the performance/concurrency tradeoffs that are inherent in any
> network filesystem.
> Apple has contributed working (though wildly complex) code that allows
> SQLite to efficiently read and write database files on AFP filesystems.  But
> this code has the limitation that you can only open the SQLite database on
> one machine at a time.  You can open the same database multiple times on
> that one machine.  But you cannot have the database open simultaneously on
> two or more machines.

Many thanks, Richard.  That explains what I'm seeing and reassures me I'm not 
doing something silly.

> One work-around you should try is to ssh into the machine that is running
> PHP and run the sqlite3 shell from there.  I think that will work better for
> you.

Hadn't thought of that.  I'll give it a try.

> You'll get much better performance if you put your SQLite databases on a
> local filesystem, fwiw.

The databases are on the machine running the PHP app, which is the one that 
needs best and fastest access to them.  The shell tool was just something I was 
using for a little debugging.  So it sounds like my setup is good, and I'll 
just have to be careful about the use of my debugging tools.  I appreciate the 
fast response.


and having seen other posts to this thread I'm happy to consider it open to any 
problems relating to what I posted about.  I don't know the answers to any of 
this stuff since I've never had to consider things like AFP, SMB and NFS in too 
much detail before.

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