On 08/31/2011 06:34 PM, Black, Michael (IS) wrote:
Dooh....yes "we" missed that.  But shouldn't new.rowid be undefined then rather than return -1?  
Much like old.rowid is undefined?  That might have helped "us" in recognizing "our" 

Fair enough. Sounded pompous. I say "we" because I only realized
what was happening after trying to debug the script as if it were
an SQLite bug in AFTER triggers.

The docs say
The value of NEW.rowid is undefined in a BEFORE INSERT trigger in which the 
rowid is not explicitly set to an integer.

And...shouldn't "after" or "before" or "instead" be mandatory?  The docs don't 
declare a default condition either.

I think it's an SQL thing. BEFORE is the default. SQLite
docs don't say that though.
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