This is unrelated, but I have never done any serious testing, and am
wondering what the user/sys results are in all these performance tests. Is
user I/O time and sys CPU time?

On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Filip Navara <>wrote:

> Updated results against current trunk:
> CPU Time: user 82.009726 sys 129.636831
> I rerun the profiler and looked at the results. Most of them looked
> sensible, but one thing still struck me. Once the new index is created
> in the VDBE Sorter it gets copied back into the new Btree using a loop
> with the following OPCodes:
>  sqlite3VdbeAddOp2(v, OP_SorterData, iSorter, regRecord);
>  sqlite3VdbeAddOp3(v, OP_IdxInsert, iIdx, regRecord, 1);
>  sqlite3VdbeChangeP5(v, OPFLAG_USESEEKRESULT);
> The OPFLAG_USESEEKRESULT is no-op in this case since OP_IsUnique is
> never used in the merge-sort branch of code. OP_IdxInsert always seeks
> for the new Btree row in the resulting tree. Couldn't we exploit the
> fact that the rows are already sorted to construct the Btree faster?
> Best regards,
> Filip Navara
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