Steffen Mangold wrote:
> It would really help me if you send me your step by step instructions.
> I had some experience with SVN, but it will help for building.
1. Download the Fossil binary for your platform (e.g. Windows):

2. Extract the ZIP file to some directory along your PATH.

3. Open a "Command Prompt" window.

4. Create a directory to hold the source tree, for example:

        mkdir C:\dev\sqlite\dotnet

5. Change to the directory created in step #4, for example:

        chdir /D C:\dev\sqlite\dotnet

6. Execute the following command to clone the repository:

        fossil clone dotnet.fossil

7. Execute the following command to open the repository:

        fossil open dotnet.fossil

8. Execute the following command to change to the build directory:

        chdir Setup

9. Execute the following command to build the managed project(s):

        build.bat ReleaseManagedOnly Win32

10. Execute the following command to build the native project(s)
for the x86 processor architecture:

        build.bat ReleaseNativeOnly Win32

11. Now, all the binaries should be in the following directory:


12. Copy the "SQLite.Interop.dll", "System.Data.SQLite.dll", and
"System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll" files into your application directory.

Joe Mistachkin

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