Ok I'm tested it now in a simple test environment.

1 table with two columns "TimeStamp" (PK) and "SensorID" (simple value).

First I add a row with "TimeStamp" "2011-01-01 01:05:00" (Success)
Then I doing a Transaction with 10 "TimeStamps" from "2011-01-01 01:00:00" to 
"2011-01-01 01:10:00". (Failure)

An Exception show in Debug Output Window 
"SQLite error (19): abort at 21 in [INSERT INTO [SensorData]([SensorID], 
 VALUES (@p0, @p1);]: columns TimeStamp are not unique"

In the data base are now 6 rows, that mean all after the failing insert are not 
executed be the transaction.

So I think if I'm doing all right with checking out your fix, it is not working 
at all. :(

Steffen Mangold wrote:

>Sorry, I make my test with wrong conditions it looks like It not works correct 
>at all.
>Please give me a sec to do some more tests and ignore my last message *shame*.
>I come back here after testing. 
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