with an existing record, and a fieldname that is in a column that has a UNIQUE INDEX, if I do sqlite_exec("UPDATE database SET fieldname="&sqlite_escape("get calculator batteries")&" WHERE fieldname=sqlite_escape("get hp50g calc cells")&";" this code actually deletes the record. it should not. I don't ever remember seeing this happen in any database like pgsql or mysql. I can test again to see for sure.

the test code can be seen at http://www.autoitscript.com/trac/autoit/ticket/2012

I used escape on the strings. existing examples do not put single quotes on the strings. if single quotes are required to mske strings work as I think they do, please tell me. I am not getting errors.

Could you please post your question on the AutoIt help forum? It's there for a reason.
BTW yes you're getting errors but you don't test for them.
More on the AutoIt help forum rather than on this list.

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