On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 10:22 PM, Jamie Winquist <ja...@monkey.org> wrote:

> In my environment, we are connecting to the sqlite file using
> pysqlite2.dbapi2.  After upgrading from sqlite 3.5.4 to, iterating
> over the results of a cursor.execute() are yielding different keys than they
> did pre-upgrade.  My query is of the form:
> SELECT table.column1, table.column2 FROM table;
> With sqlite 3.5.4, when iterating over the cursor, the keys in each result
> row were named "table.column1" and "table.column2" as specified in the
> query.  After the upgrade to sqlite, the keys in each result row do
> not include the table name in the key, but are solely the column name.  Is
> this expected?

If you use an AS clause to define the names of result columns, then they
will always follow those names.  Ex;

    SELECT table.column1 AS result1, table.column2 AS result2 FROM table;

If you omit the AS clause, then the result column names can vary according
to compile-time and run-time settings and which version of SQLite you are
using.  We don't deliberately change things just to frustrate you.  But
changes do happen.  I do not recall any changes to the result column names
between 3.5.4 and 3.7.8, but 3.5.4 was a really long time ago so I might
easily have forgotten something.

> Thanks.
> Jamie
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