I've inherited some python and sqlite work and am trying to figure it out. I've 
done neither before, so be kind.

There are some python scripts that generate a sqlite db, then our app has uses 
sqlite3 code library to read that db and copy it to a memory-based db (I assume 
so we can make changes to it and perhaps write it out to a different file, or 
at least prevent the source db from being changed). When I do the copy (which 
calls sqlite3_backup_step(dest, -1)), it returns 8 (SQLITE_READONLY).

I see some documentation in sqlite3.h that says it might return SQLITE_READONLY 
if "The destination database is an in-memory database and the destination and 
source page sizes differ."

What is the "page size"? Aren't sqlite dbs portable to any platform/processor? 
Could it be that sqlite installed on my 64-bit machine is writing a 64-bit db, 
but our app and the sqlite3 lib is only 32-bit? Seems like any good file format 
wouldn't care about that and knows how to read/write the same no matter what.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Steve Mills
sqlite-users mailing list

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