
Today I've been trying to run my .NET application on Mono with SQLite.
It is running fine on Windows (.NET 4.0) with MySQL and SQLite, and I'm
successfully using it on Linux (Mono 2.10) with MySQL only. But now that
I wanted to actually use SQLite on Linux, it failed. The error it gives
me is a DllNotFoundException for SQLite.Interop.dll. But from what I've
read on the web by now, this isn't the path to go. I think I need some
sort of "managed-only" SQLite version that will use the platform's
libsqlite (in my Ubuntu, 3.7.7 is installed). Unfortunately I couldn't
find any such version on the very long download page. Where can I get it?

I stumbled upon the C# port of SQLite. After quite some reading I think
it may be equally reliable and similarly fast, but I'm not totally sure
about it. Their project website isn't exactly descriptive. Also they
don't provide binaries and I'm uncomfortable with compiling 10 MB of
SQLite source code and 500 kB of mine.

So what should I do about Mono/Linux support for SQLite in C#?

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <nospam.l...@unclassified.de>
Visit my web laboratory at http://beta.unclassified.de
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