> The error it gives
> me is a DllNotFoundException for SQLite.Interop.dll. But from what I've
> read on the web by now, this isn't the path to go. I think I need some
> sort of "managed-only" SQLite version that will use the platform's
> libsqlite (in my Ubuntu, 3.7.7 is installed). Unfortunately I couldn't
> find any such version on the very long download page. Where can I get it?

It is relatively easy to compile the source code to produce a "managed-only"
binary that can be used on Mono; however, as you point out, there are
(N+1) pre-compiled binaries packages on the download page.  Adding yet
pre-compiled set of binary packages for Mono would just serve to make things
even more confusing.

> So what should I do about Mono/Linux support for SQLite in C#?

If you have access to a Windows machine with MSBuild and/or Visual Studio,
compiling the managed-only binary is fairly simple.  Here are the exact

1. Extract the source archive (preserving paths) to a clean directory (e.g.

2. Open a Visual Studio Command Prompt, using 2008 if you want .NET 3.5 or
2010 if you want .NET 4.0.

3. Change the current directory to the root of the System.Data.SQLite source
code tree.

4. Execute the following command, where [year] is either 2008 or 2010:

        MSBuild.exe System.Data.SQLite\System.Data.SQLite.[year].csproj
/t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:UseInteropDll=false

Joe Mistachkin

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