
Having played around with a shell script that calls SQLite I have noticed that 
I can something like

        .separator STRING      at the SQLite prompt
        .mode line

or I can do 

        sqlite3 -separator STRING at the command line
        sqlite3 - line

This is both useful and consistent
However if I want to execute a file I can only do

        .read FILENAME     at the SQLite prompt
or I can do either of

        cat FILENAME | sqlite3
        sqlite3 <FILENAME

Is there an equivalent '-read' for the command line and if not might there be 
in the future?
The '-init' option does not seem to perform the same function although it does 
read the file

It is inconsistent and when writing wrapper shell/perl scripts on occasions 
makes scripts a little more complex
e.g. try doing it with a Perl IO::CaptureOutput(qxx) call where you don't have 
access to piped stdin :-(


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