On 01/20/2012 06:16 PM, Alexandr Němec wrote:
Dear all,

we have two short questions regarding the new 3.7.10 SQLite release.

1. We read about the new "powersafe overwrite" feature in 3.7.10. We
would like to go on (for a while) without this. If we set
SQLITE_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE to 0 in the amalgamation file, is this the
only thing that we have to do to go on without powersafe overwrite

Right. Either compile sqlite3.c with -DSQLITE_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE=0
or edit the #define that sets the default within it.

2. Compiling the 3.7.10 version in VS2005 (under default settings)
produces a compiler warning at line 68229 in the amalgamation file (find
the line below). The compiler complains about possible data loss when
truncating u16 to u8. Since there have never been compiler warnings in
previous versions, I just want to ask if this is expected so that we can
ignore the warning.

u.bb.r.flags = (u16)(UNPACKED_INCRKEY * (1 & (u.bb.oc - OP_SeekLt)));

This warning can be ignored. The (u16) cast should be changed to (u8),
but it's harmless.


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