On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 3:02 PM, John Elrick <john.elr...@fenestra.com> wrote:
> I think I can inject something to do some measurements.  I seem to recall,
> however, that there was no substantive difference in the number of
> times sqlite3RunParser
> was called between the two.  I'll check for:
> which query is being parsed
> how many times that particular query is parsed
> how many mallocs are stemming from that particular query.
> Maybe that will tell us something.

I think it's fair to say that compiling a statement is expected to be
heavy-duty, but evaluating a compiled statement is expected to be
light-weight (not counting the work that the statement implies doing)
unless something triggers recompilation of the prepared statement.

So the key, really, is to find out what's triggering the recompilation
of your statements.

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