Guy Terreault wrote:
Hi, Simon.

I have been reading your back and forth answers like the next 4 responce.

And I am still waiting for the example that works in c code like the one
that Bill McCormick that is wrong.

Why do you not include in your answer a working correction of the c code
so that followers can
learn also and try it our selves.

Thanks Guy

If you wish to learn how to drive SQLite from C code, you could peruse the API documentation, which is quite thorough. Or you could study the code in shell.c which comes with the amalgamation. In particular, its routine known as
static int shell_exec(
  sqlite3 *db,
  const char *zSql,
  int (*xCallback)(void*,int,char**,char**,int*),
  struct callback_data *pArg,
  char **pzErrMsg
, and its calling sequence would show you what you seem to wish to learn.

I cannot answer why Simon does not write demo code at every opportunity, but I think I speak for more than just myself by revealing that I have other work, and a life, and consider time a scarce resource.

Larry Brasfield
sqlite-users mailing list

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