On 3 Feb 2012, at 2:18pm, Richard Hipp wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 9:11 AM, Don V Nielsen <donvniel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> But if we don't start worrying about the year 10,000 now, then we'll end of
>> having another disaster like Y2k.
> The date and time functions in SQLite break down on 5352-11-01 10:52:47,
> which is thousands of years prior to the year 10,000 issue.

Richard's being funny.

Software processing unix-epoch dates as 32-bit integers are going to have a big 
problem on January the 19th 2038, since they run out of bits then.  That's the 
soonest date we have to worry about.  There is currently a lot of such software 
around, and if we had to deal with that right now we'd be in serious 
difficulties.  But at the speed we're moving to 64-bit architecture it will be 
less of a problem by the time we actually get to 2038.

I assume there'll be the sort of y2k-compliance effort there was for y2k, and 
that it will be similarly successful.  I earned quite a bit of money from 
y2k-compliance but by 2038 I hope to be retired, so I'll be able to just sit 
back and laugh at it all.

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