Hi *,
month ago I wrote question about possibility to add support of %y (2 digit year) to strftime() function.
Patch is very simple and I hope, that will be useful for many users.
Patch by Alexey is here: http://sqlite.mobigroup.ru/wiki?name=2-digit+year+patch (although I think, that it can be done in a simpler way ... see my comment later)
Can you consider please adding such support ?

Looking at patch I do not understand, why we add

n += 4;
in case of 'y' ?

I would do:
       case 'W':
+       case 'y':
n++; ...

+        case 'y': {
+          sqlite3_snprintf(3,&z[j],"%02d",x.Y % 100); j+=2;
+          break;
+        }

> See "2-digit year patch" here: http://sqlite.mobigroup.ru/wiki?name=patches

> I did write this becouse 2-digit year number is needed very often for me.

Hi *,
there is date-time formating function strftime(), which supports some (not all) string formating parameters (like %d, %m, %Y)
There is %Y for 4-digit year.
Is possible add also %y for 2-digit year ? (like in strftime() in standard C library) If it is not a big problem (I hope, that isn't), I would be very happy if it will be implemented.
(can I post somewhere bug report, feature request)

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