Hi! We're seeing the dreaded "Error: database disk image is malformed" message, even though the database is actually fine. I've read a few other threads on it and I'd previously concluded that it was just an outstanding bug. But I'm wondering if it's actually due to a combination of disabling synchronous writing AND disabling the shared cache, and then accessing it from a second process. Have you heard of this? More details follow:

1) First, we have a server with two threads: the primary thread doing the main activity, and a second thread doing checkpointing.

2) However, we get erratic behavior when using the sqlite3 command-line tool to just do a basic select on the database: sometimes it works, sometimes it returns "Error: database disk image malformed". Sometimes we just run the same command many times until it works.

3) The main server thread opens the database like:
        sqlite3_config( SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD )
        sqlite3_enable_shared_cache( 0 )
                SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE | \
        sqlite3_open_v2( filename.c_str(), &_db, DB_OPEN_FLAGS, NULL )
        PRAGMA legacy_file_format = OFF
        PRAGMA synchronous = OFF
        PRAGMA count_changes = OFF
        PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY
        PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL
        PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint = 0

4) All this works great for server threads, and we have the same exact commits happening in the same exact order on 5 different servers (using a custom distributed transaction layer).

5) And this has worked great even with the command-line access for a very long time -- years now, in fact. But as the database grows (>40GB) and activity increases, we've started to get the malformed error more and more frequently -- to the point that it's also impossible to query the database from the command line anymore.

6) I had just accepted this, but recently we did queries on two servers via the sqlite3 command-line, and found they were giving back *very* different results -- for several minutes. Then I'm guessing both flushed their changes to disk, after which they gave the same result. This made me think "Hm, maybe the command line process isn't able to access the in-memory cached data of the server process, and maybe that's what's causing the malformed error?"

Anyway, that's the background -- has anybody encountered this before? I'd welcome any advice. Thanks!

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